Me and my daughter, Marren.

Me and my daughter, Marren.

Welcome to KMA Jewelry!

All jewelry on this site is designed and made by me, Karen McCulloch, a southeastern Wisconsin native, wife, and mother of three. This is my story.

Originally from Milwaukee, I grew up as the only girl in a working-class family of five. My childhood was spent immersed in the arts; I attended as many theatre productions as I could afford, and then became a performer myself. I enjoyed playing the piano and working with my hands, always finding the creative process immensely rewarding. I especially loved tinkering with my jewelry and my clothes. As a kid, I'd use some pretty crude tools to change up the jewelry in my collection (the thought of using my teeth to secure jump rings now makes me cringe!)

After receiving my B.A. from the University of Wisconsin, I started a small theatre company with my husband. We specialized in original audience-participation murder mystery productions. We wrote our scripts, cast the shows, and directed and performed in many venues throughout Wisconsin and Illinois. We found a semi-permanent "home base" at the Latimer House in Delavan, WI. When the time came for the owners of the Latimer House to retire, the economy slid into a recession and the restaurant closed. We were forced to change directions. I got a job at a local retail establishment to replace my income and began making jewelry to fill an incredible creative void.  My friends and family loved what was spilling out of my home studio, and I knew I had to make it my business. I eventually became inspired by a very dear friend who ignited the spark to start creating jewelry on a larger scale. So, during the height of the economic recession, I began my small business. 

Making gifts for family and friends quickly evolved into getting paid to make gifts for their family and friends. As my business grew, I found myself with more work than I could manage while still working my retail job and seeing to the needs of my young children. In that first full art show season of 2016, I sold my jewelry across the state of Wisconsin and into Illinois and Minnesota. I and my jewelry were received well and was very satisfied with my sales. But what I found most exhilarating was when local shop owners asked to sell my jewelry in their stores! This brought about a new prospect – becoming a wholesale jewelry maker and adding another layer to my business -- one that I hadn’t expected to come so quickly!

Though my business has grown in myriad ways, I feel strongly about the potential opportunity for growth, from employment opportunities, to a brick-and-mortar store, to more wholesale opportunities, to further supporting my family and enhancing my community. If you're interested in wholesale opportunities or a donation to help offset KMA Jewelry's business expenses, please visit our Contact page and submit the form you find there. Thank you for your visit, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Website and logo design by Kate Schultz.
Photos by Sabrina Hookstead and Tom Ganser, unless otherwise noted. 
Jewelry modeled by Marren McCulloch.